Valentine’s Day- by Chef Chris
by Chef Chris
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and as a recently engaged Chef, I wanted to share a delicious and fun recipe to cook with a partner.
This dish is a favorite of mine and my beloved’s: Spicy Tomato and Coconut Bisque with Mushrooms and Shrimp!
This recipe has everything a good love entails: it’s spicy, it’s decadent, and most of all, it’s FUN to make!
There are plenty of opportunities to work together on this recipe, whether in the prepping, the cooking, or simply enjoying the sounds and aromas emanating from the pot. Throw on your favorite Al Green or Barry White album, and let the good times roll!
Here is what you’ll need to turn that ordinary task of cooking dinner into a romantic, fun, and loving experience:
4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 5oz Sliced Shiitake Mushrooms
- 5oz Sliced Maitake Mushrooms
- 3 Garlic Cloves, Sliced Thin
- 1 inch piece of Ginger, Sliced Thin
- 1 tbsp Lime Zest
- 1/4 Cup Scallions, Sliced Thin
- 2 Shallots, Minced
- 1 tbsp Tomato Paste
- 13oz Coconut Milk
- 14oz (One Can) Fire Roasted Tomatoes
- 12oz (One Can) Roasted Red Peppers
- 1 Cup Water
- 1 Habanero Pepper, Minced
- 1lb Large Shrimp, Tail on
- 1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro
- 1/4 Cup Fresh Mint
- 1/4 Cup Fresh Thai Basil
- 1/4 Cup Fresh Dill
Let’s begin, shall we?
Add the extra virgin olive oil to a large sauce pot and heat on medium high heat until shimmering like an engagement ring!
Let the mushrooms join the party and mingle with the oil, undisturbed, until lightly browned. With the addition of garlic and ginger next, the sensual aroma will be undeniable, like an urge to plant a smooch on your beloved’s neck.
Remove the mushrooms from the party for a little bit (don’t worry, they’ll make a grand reappearance during plating.), and toss them with a little more extra virgin olive oil, salt, and the lime zest. Set aside.
Don’t get distracted now, let’s continue.
In the same pot, add 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil and shallots over medium high heat and cook until those shallots are sweating like Sting during a Tantric love making session.
Tomato paste enters the party next, adding some depth of flavor as it begins to stick to the bottom of the pot and become a dark, copper like color.
At this point, you will notice it’s getting pretty hot and heavy inside that pot. Remember, cooking, like good love, takes time and attention. No climaxing yet! Let’s cool that party down before it’s too late!
Add in your blended tomatoes, blended red bell peppers, coconut milk, and water. Heck, you don’t want to lose the mood altogether, so toss in that habanero!
Now you’ll let this simmer for around 20 minutes. What can you do with your love on Valentine’s Day for 20 minutes? I’ll leave that to you two. In the words of the late great Lenny Bruce, “There are no dirty words, only dirty minds…”
Now that you’ve returned from your, uhhh, break, you two must have built up quite an appetite. Let’s wash those hands and finish! Toss in those large shrimp and simmer in that decadent, spicy broth for about 2-3 minutes until they are cooked through.
Serve by candlelight, over steamed rice, and topped with the mushrooms and fresh picked herbs.
Big thanks to Chef Chris for his recipe! He sure likes to keep things SAUCY!
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