Chef Tasha, a Bay Area native who swapped California sunshine for Boston’s charm and never looked back, is a true veggie enthusiast with a knack for making seasonal produce sing. Her culinary expertise extends to sneaky touches of crispy pancetta and savory anchovy paste that elevate her veggie-focused dishes. Baking and pastry are her other loves—if it’s sweet and flaky, you can bet she’s in her element.
Tasha’s culinary journey began in a kitchen filled with love from her food-loving parents, despite their no-kids-in-the-kitchen upbringing. With a TV diet of Good Eats and Chopped fueling her passion, she started her career running the show at an organic produce farm in Massachusetts. There, she designed menus using fresh produce and also worked as a recipe developer for a meal delivery company. Her experience includes teaching kids how to cook, inspiring the next generation of culinary enthusiasts.
A secret talent of Tasha’s? Petting her cat, Cordelia (named for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer character—because why not?), without getting scratched. When she’s not juggling yarn and feline antics, you’ll find her crocheting, watching movies, listening to podcasts, or going on leisurely nature walks (her version of a hike). Tasha dreams of exploring Napa and Marin County’s wine country, with its stunning landscapes and incredible food scene.
Her favorite part of being in the kitchen? That satisfying moment when everything comes together just as she envisioned—because, let’s face it, who doesn’t love executing a well-prepared plan? Her catchphrase, “Should we add brown butter?” perfectly sums up her philosophy—because when in doubt, brown butter makes everything better.